Father's Day - 2017
Father's Day 2024

Father's Day Rose Remembrance

Every Father’s Day, VVMF lays thousands of roses at the Memorial site. Some roses hold a personal message in honor of the fathers on The Wall, those who never had a chance to come home and start a family, and those who later died after the War ended.  Family, friends and visitors are invited to take part in laying roses. It is a breathtaking sight that demonstrates both the gratitude and the sacrifices of families impacted by war.

  • Red roses symbolize those killed in action.
  • Yellow roses symbolize those unaccounted for (missing in action / prisoners of war).
  • White roses symbolize those who died after the War ended.

For photos and videos of the Father’s Day Rose Remembrance after the ceremony, check out our Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/VietnamVeteransMemorialFund) and Instagram pages (https://www.instagram.com/vnveteransmemorial/).


Here is a brief overview of the Father’s Day Rose Remembrance and how to sponsor roses.    

  1. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund orders thousands of roses to be placed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site on Father’s Day.
  2. The roses are RED for those killed-in-action, YELLOW for those unaccounted for, and WHITE for those who returned home and later passed.
  3. Individuals and groups have sponsored roses and will be attending the event can write personalized messages at the event to affix to their roses.
  4. Individuals and groups who sponsored roses but can not attend the event can submit messages that will be printed and placed on their roses.  These roses will be laid by VVMF on their behalf.
Roses With Card
Father's Day Rose Remembrance

Sponsor Roses

The Roses ordering form is now closed.  Thank you to all the individuals who sponsored roses for our Father’s Day Rose Remembrance!
