Hosting The Wall That Heals

Watch a video about the healing power of The Wall That Heals and what it means to bring it to communities across the country

VVMF seeks site locations that can provide a welcoming, quiet atmosphere large enough to accommodate the two main components of The Wall That Heals.

  • The Wall Replica: three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., approximately 375 feet in length. (Due to configuration of The Wall it must be displayed on a soft surface that can be staked)
  • The mobile Education Center: When emptied, the sides of the 53-foot trailer that transports The Wall replica converts into a mobile Education Center displaying photos, history and memorabilia related to The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. (70 Feet by 50 Feet)

The Wall schedule may vary depending upon travel needs, typically the mobile Education Center trailer arrives Tuesday evening and set-up of The Wall occurs all day Wednesday.  A volunteer orientation is conducted Wednesday evening by VVMF staff. The Wall then remains open 24 hours a day, closing on Sunday afternoon and will be dismantled immediately after the site closes. Before, during, and after each site, VVMF staff work with hosting organizations assisting with their program and event development to transform The Wall That Heals visit into a lasting impact for their community.

In partnering, VVMF requires hosting organizations:

  • Schedule welcoming volunteers to assist visitors to The Wall
  • Provide a site, open to the public 24 hours a day
  • Charge no admission fee for visitors
  • Recruit setup and breakdown teams to assemble The Wall
  • Arrange ceremonies around The Wall That Heals visit 
  • Promote the event throughout the community
  • Establish a committee to manage the planning and display of The Wall

Resources for Site Hosts

Thank you for hosting The Wall That Heals in your community. Site hosts play an important role in preserving the legacy of The Wall and educating about the impact of the Vietnam War era.

For more information and for a list of resources please contact Outreach Project Manager, Cathy Miller, at 202-393-0585 or at [email protected].

VVMF thanks our Tour Sponsors for helping “Bring The Wall Home”: